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Monitor and optimize your mixing and blending process

Mixing and blending of beverages has become increasingly complicated with the rise of more complex formulations for drinkable products such as sports drinks, protein smoothies, energy drinks, organic health beverages, new sodas, and artificial sweeteners. Precise measurements are crucial in the production of soft drinks to ensure consistent product quality and efficient use of precious raw materials.

Implementing inline measurement helps to ensure:

  • Accurate sugar concentration
  • Precise dosing of additives
  • Efficient phase separation

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Manage your process in real time and measure the sugar concentration inline.

Accurate sugar concentration

Sugar concentration is an important parameter for the consistent quality of soft drinks or juices. To determine the concentration, the density values are converted to different units such as Brix, Baume, API or Plato. Implementing inline measurement technologies into processes provides continuous product monitoring. This real-time data helps to ensure product quality and avoid product loss.

Selected products for sugar concentration

Teqwave H of Endress+Hauser is a major relief to us with its continuous and automatic monitoring of the sugar concentration. I appreciate the accuracy and reliability of the concentration measurement.

Jürgen Ackermann
Managing Director, Kreuzberg Quelle Ackermann GmbH, Germany
Mass flow meters in beverage production to ensure right dosing ©Rotkaeppchen-MUMM
Mass flowmeters ensure accurate dosing of recipe components in beverage production

Precise dosing of additives

The proper implementation of beverage recipes depends on the exact dosage of ingredients and additives. It has a direct influence on product quality and the efficiency of cost-intensive raw material handling.

Mass flowmeters at critical points continuously measure the composition of the mixture, and signal how much additives, such as flavors, colors or sweeteners, should be added to maintain the correct recipe. To ensure precise dosing, highly accurate flow meters such as Proline Promass F 100 are used.

Selected product for additives dosing

Promass F has a long-standing reputation as a highly accurate device under varying process conditions for a broad range of applications. 

Phase separation with Smartec CLD134 ©Endress+Hauser

Efficient phase separation

Put an end to phase separation guesswork and know exactly what is in your pipe. Precise inline color measurement detects even the slightest changes in color, allowing you to “see” the quality of the product, cleaning detergent or rinse water in the pipe.

Selected products for phase separation

Optimize your process with the right products to detect the phases and to take actions at the right time

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