Approved for plants requiring approval 2001/80/EC (13. BImSchV) 2000/76/EC (17. BImSchV) 27. BImSchV TA-Luft (Prevention of Air Pollution) EN 15267 EN 14181 MCERTS 2010/75/EU U.S. EPA PS-11 compliant
The DUSTHUNTER SB100 is a type-approved measuring device for dust at very low to medium concentrations in challenging applications, e. g., in hot or corrosive gases. The measurement is based on the backward scattering of light. Installation is from one side only. Two different penetration depths are possible. Automated compensation of background radiation, therefore no light absorber required. An automated check of the zero and reference point is on board in the device.
Emission monitoring of power stations and waste incineration plants
Monitoring of dust concentrations downstream of filter plants
Monitoring of dust loads in factory workshops
Control of fresh air supplies and exhaust air plants
Device properties:
For very low to medium dust concentrations
One-sided installation
Contamination check
Automated thorough check of zero and reference point
Automated compensation of background radiation, therefore no light absorber required
For medium to large duct diameters
Easy installation, commissioning, and operation
Measurement independent of gas velocity, humidity and particle charge
Scattered light intensity: 0 ... 100 SI / 0 ... 15 SI / 0 ... 50 SI / 0 ... 200 SI
Process temperature
–40 °C ... +600 °C
Process pressure
With MCU-P control unit: –50 hPa ... 2 hPa With external purge air unit: –50 hPa ... 30 hPa
Ambient temperature range
–40 °C ... +60 °C
Degree of protection
IP66, IP54
Approved for plants requiring approval 2001/80/EC (13. BImSchV) 2000/76/EC (17. BImSchV) 27. BImSchV TA-Luft (Prevention of Air Pollution) EN 15267 EN 14181 MCERTS 2010/75/EU U.S. EPA PS-11 compliant
Emission Monitoring Solutions – broad instrument portfolio and
longstanding experience
Kompetensbroschyr (CP)
Engelsk version - 01/2025
New version available in English
An overview brochure about emission monitoring, their measuring principles and technologies, global requirements and services, a selection guide and the measuring devices at a glance
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