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product picture of the gas analyzer MCS200HW

emission monitoring solution

Proven measurement technology for flue gas monitoring

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  • Mätprincip

    Interference filter correlation, Gas filter correlation

  • Measured variables

    CH4, CO, CO2, Corg, HCl, H2O, NH3, NO, NO2, N2O, O2, SO2

  • Performance-tested measurands

    CH4, CO, CO2, Corg, HCl, H2O, NH3, NO, NO2, N2O, O2, SO2

  • Certified measuring ranges

    CH4: 0 to 50 mg/m³ / 0 to 500 mg/m³
    CO: 0 to 75 mg/m³ / 0 to 10,000 mg/m³
    CO2: 0 to 25% by vol.
    Corg: 0 to 15 mg/m³ / 0 to 50 mg/m³ / 0 to 150 mg/m³ / 0 to 500 mg/m³
    HCl: 0 to 15 mg/m³ / 0 to 3,000 mg/m³
    H2O: 0 to 40% by vol.
    NH3: 0 to 10 mg/m³ / 0 to 500 mg/m³
    NO: 0 to 150 mg/m³ / 0 to 2,500 mg/m³
    NO2: 0 to 50 mg/m³ / 0 to 500 mg/m³
    N2O: 0 to 100 mg/m³ / 0 to 2,000 mg/m³
    O2: 0 to 25% by vol.
    SO2: 0 to 75 mg/m³ / 0 to 2,500 mg/m³

  • Process temperature

    ≤ +550 °C

  • Process pressure

    850 hPa ... 1,100 hPa

  • Ambient temperature range

    +5 °C ... +50 °C

  • Ambient humidity

    ≤ 90 %
    Relative humidity; non-condensing

  • Conformities

    Approved for plants requiring approval
    2000/76/EC (17. BImSchV)
    2001/80/EC (13. BImSchV)
    27. BImSchV
    EN 15267
    EN 14181

  • Hazardous area approvals

    MCS200HW Ex:
    II 3G Ex dc ec ic [ic] mc nC pzc IIC T3 Gc
    Analyzer cabinet
    II 3G Ex ec IIC T3 Gc
    Gas sampling unit
    I 2G Ex eb IIC T Gb
    Sample gas line
    IECEx: on request.

  • Degree of protection

    MCS200HW: IP54
    MCS200HW Ex: IP65

  • Product safety
