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product picture of the process gas analyzer TRANSIC100LP

process gas analyzer

The good nose for oxygen

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  • Mätprincip

    Diode laser spectroscopy (TDLS)

  • Measured variables


  • Measuring range

    O2: 0 ... 5 Vol.-% / 0 ... 100 Vol.-%

  • Ambient temperature range

    –20 °C ... +60 °C

  • Degree of protection


  • Hazardous area approvals

    Sender/receiver unit: Ex op is / ib IIB T4 Ga/Gb; Ex ib tb op is IIIC T85°C Db
    TSA151 connecting unit: Ex eb mb [ib] IIB T4 Gb; Ex tb [ib] IIIC T85°C Db
    Sender/receiver unit: II 1/2 G Ex op is / ib IIB T4 Ga/Gb; II 2 D Ex ib tb op is IIIC T85°C Db
    TSA151 connecting unit: II 2 G Ex eb mb [ib] IIB T4 Gb; II 2 D Ex tb [ib] IIIC T85°C Db
    NEC/CEC (US/CA):
    Sender/receiver unit: Class I, Division 2, Group A, B, C and D; T4 Ta=-20°C to +60°C; IP66
    Measuring probe: Class I, Division 1, Group A, B, C and D; T4 Ta= –20°C to +80°C; IP66

  • Product safety

    CE, FM