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CCS140 - Analog free chlorine sensor for industrial and pool water

Chlorine CCS140

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  • Mätprincip

    Free chlorine

  • Application

    Water, Waste water, pools

  • Characteristic

    Amperometric measurement of free chlorine.

  • Measurement range

    0,05 - 20ppm free chlorine; pH 4-8,2

  • Measuring principle

    - closed (membrane covered) measuring cell.
    - Reduction of Hypochloric acid (HOCl) to Chlorid on the cathode with a fixed voltage of 20mV.

  • Design

    Closed amperometric 2-electrode sensor with PTFE-membrane.

  • Material

    Sensor shaft : PVC
    Membrane : PTFE
    Membrane cap : PBT (GF30); PVDF

  • Dimension

    Diameter : appr. 25mm
    Length : 160mm

  • Process temperature

    10°C - 45°C

  • Process pressure

    0bar - 1bar

  • Temperature sensor

    Optional with NTC-temperature sensor

  • Connection

    Fixed cable connection