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RN22 intrinsically safe isolating barrier, power supply and signal doubler for hazardous areas

RN22 active barrier, power supply, analog signal doubler

Intrinsically safe 24 VDC compact interface module for use in hazardous areas, SIL systems

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Konfigurera för att ladda ner denna produkts CAD-ritningar

  • Mätprincip

    Active barrier

  • Measuring principle

    Active barrier

  • Function

    Signal doubler

  • Loop power supply

    17,5 V ±1 V bei 20 mA open circuit
    voltage: 24,5 V ±5 %

  • Power Supply

    24 V DC

  • Input

    0/4…20 mA / HART
    feeding/not feeding

  • Output

    0/4…20 mA / HART

  • Certificates

    ATEX II3G Ex tc IIIC Dc
    EAC [Ex ia Ga] IIC, [Ex ia Da] IIIC, Ex ec IIC Gc
    JPN [Ex ia Ga] IIC, [Ex ia Da] IIIC, Ex ec IIC Gc
    KC [Ex ia Ga] IIC,[Ex ia Da] IIIC, Ex ec IIC Gc
    INMETRO [Ex ia Ga] IIC,[Ex ia Da] IIIC, Ex ec IIC Gc
    NEPSI [Ex ia Ga] IIC, [Ex ia Da] IIIC, Ex ec IIC Gc
    UK II3G Ex tc IIIC Dc
    UK II(1)G [Ex ia Ga] IIC, II(1)D [Ex ia Da] IIIC, II3G Ex ec IIC Gc
    ATEX IECEx II(1)G [Ex ia Ga] IIC, II(1)D [Ex ia Da] IIIC, II3G Ex ec IIC Gc
    UL C/US

  • SIL

    SIL 2 SC 3

  • Operation
