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Produktbild av: Rod probe 11500ZM

Rod probe 11500ZM

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  • Characteristic / Application

    Fully insulated ceramic rod probe for excessive high pressure and high temperature.
    European Certificate (EEx d, EEx ia) with no additional safety feature

  • Specialities

    Foam detection

  • Supply / Communication


  • Process temperature

    -20 °C ... 200 °C
    (-4 °F ... 392 °F)

  • Process pressure / max. overpressure limit

    Vacuum ... 500 bar
    (Vacuum ... 7252 psi)

  • Main wetted parts

    Ceramic, 316Ti

  • Process connection

    G 1 1/2A
    Flange from DN50... / ASME 2"...

  • Sensor length

    Total length of probe 2 m (6.6 ft)

  • Communication


  • Certificates / Approvals


  • Components

    PFM: FTC325, FTC625, FTC470Z, FTC471Z

  • Successor

    FTL70/71 or FMP45

  • Application limits

    Notice the pressure and temperature derating.
    Notice for non conductive medium the DK.