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SupplyCare Hosting

Supply chain management
Online software
SupplyCare Hosting

Cloud-based inventory management platform for transparent information within the supply chain

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  • Mätprincip

    Inventory Management Solutions

  • Application Task

    Data acquisition
    Data management
    Process monitoring & visualization

  • Field of Application

    SupplyCare Hosting is a software application hosted in the Endress+Hauser cloud for the indication and monitoring of inventories in e.g. tanks and silos spread all over the world

  • Operating systems

    Active Scripting enabled
    JavaScript enabled
    Allow cookies

  • Monitor resolution, display

    1280 x 800 (Desktop), application can also be used on mobile devices

  • Interfaces

    Business System via IMS Middleware
    Web Browser
    OPC DA Server
    Elemica B2B Hub

  • Other

    SupplyCare Hosting runs securely in an Apache Tomcat-environment on an application Server in the "Cloud" hosted and maintained by Endress+Hauser. The operators and administrators operate the application via web browser from theirs desks.

  • Registered Trademarks

    The following trademarks are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries:
    Windows Server®
    The following trademarks are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Google LLC:
    Google Chrome™
    Google Maps™
    The following trademarks are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Cisco Systems, Inc. and/ or its affiliates in the United States and certain other countries:
    Safari®, iPhone® and iPad® are trademarks of Apple® Inc., registered in the United States and other countries.