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Pump Protection FTW360 - Conductive point level detection

Pump Protection FTW360

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Konfigurera för att ladda ner denna produkts CAD-ritningar

  • Characteristic / Application

    Compact limit switch for pump protection,
    Active build-up compensation,
    Flush mounting

  • Specialities

    CIP suiteable

  • Supply / Communication

    21V ... 253V AC
    20V ... 200V DC

  • Ambient temperature

    -20 °C ... 60 °C
    (-4 °F ... 140 °F)

  • Process temperature

    -20 °C ... 100 °C
    (-4 °F ... 212 °F)

  • Process pressure / max. overpressure limit

    Vacuum ... 10 bar
    (Vacuum ... 145 psi)

  • Min. conductivity of medium

    10 µS/cm

  • Main wetted parts

    1.4571, PTFE

  • Process connection


  • Communication


  • Application limits

    Observe minimum medium conductivity