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The OUSBT66 NIR absorption sensor reliably monitors cell growth, biomass processes and algae systems

Cell growth and biomass sensor

Hygienic NIR absorption measurement in fermentation and crystallization applications

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  • Mätprincip

    Cell growth

  • Application

    Cell growth and biomass in fermentation processes
    Monitoring of algae concentration
    Control of crystallization processes
    Suspended solids measurement

  • Measurement range

    0 to 4 AU
    0 to 8 OD (depending on optical path length)

  • Design

    Hygienic design:
    Sterilizable and autoclaveable
    Sapphire windows without seals and crevices
    CIP/SIP resistant

  • Material

    Sensor housing: Stainless Steel 1.4435 (316L)
    Windows: Sapphire
    O-ring: EPDM

  • Process temperature

    0 to 90 °C (32 to 194 °F)
    Max. 135 °C for max. 2 hours

  • Process pressure

    Max. 10 bar abs at 90 °C
    (Max. 150 psi at 194 °F)

  • Ingress protection
