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Automated sensor cleaning in combination with Liquiline CM44 and Chemoclean Plus

Cleaning unit
Cleanfit Control CYC25

Unit for retractable assemblies in water & wastewater, food, paper and primaries

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  • Mätprincip


  • Application

    Water and wastewater, paper, food and beverages, solids, primaries, power stations, utilities

  • Installation

    Complete automated cleaning system

  • Characteristic

    Fully automated cleaning system with weekly programmable cleaning and different security functions

  • Design

    Fully automated cleaning system in combination with Liquiline CM44x

  • Material

    Bottom part of housing: PC-FR
    Cover: PC-FR
    Housing seal: EPDM

  • Dimension

    237 x 194 x 162 mm (l x h x w)
    9.33 x 7.64 x 6.38 inch (l x h x w)

  • Process temperature

    Ambient temperature range: -10 to 45 °C (10 to 113 °F)

  • Input

    One channel system