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Liquiphant FTL71 - Vibronic

Liquiphant S FTL71

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    • Explosionsskydd

    Product family: Liquiphant M, Liquiphant S 11111

    Engelsk version - 08/2021

    New version available in English

    Product root: FTL50-, FTL50H-, FTL51-, FTL51C-, FTL51H-, FTL70-, FTL71- Region: International (IECEx) Approval agency: DEKRA Protection: Exx d e IIC Ga/Gb

    • Integritetsnivå för säkerhet (SIL)

    Product family: Liquiphant M, Liquiphant S, Soliphant M

    Engelsk version - 10/2020

    New version available in English

    Product root: FTL50-, FTL50H-, FTL51-, FTL51C-, FTL51H-, FTL70-, FTL71-, FTM50-, FTM51-, FTM52- Region: International Approval agency: TÜV Safety function: Level monitoring

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