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COY8 is an oxygen-free gel for validation, calibration and adjustment of oxygen and chlorine sensors

Zero-point gel

Ready-to-use gel for validation, calibration, and adjustment of oxygen and disinfection sensors

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COY8 is a ready-made gel that allows you to detect the true zero point of your oxygen and disinfection (e.g. free chlorine) sensors. This improves the reliability and accuracy of your measuring points leading to increased product quality and yield. What’s more, it helps you decide whether a sensor should be adjusted, maintained or replaced. The gel doesn't require additional chemicals or preparation. It is instantly ready to use and is reusable within 24 hours after opening.

COY8 zero-point gel determines the true zero point of virtually all sensors that measure the parameters:

  • Oxygen

  • Free chlorine

  • Total chlorine

  • Chlorine dioxide

  • Etc.

It is used for example in:

  • Life Sciences
    - Fermentation processes

  • Food & Beverages
    - Inertization processes

  • Power & Energy
    - Steam/water cycle

  • Drinking water
    - Distribution network
    - Critical control points (CCPs)

  • Utilities of all industries
    - Water treatment


  • Be sure: exact determination of the true zero of your oxygen and disinfection / chlorine measuring points.

  • Enhance your product quality: the zero-point calibration improves the accuracy and reliability of your measurements and can increase the quality and yield of your products.

  • Speed up your maintenance: the gel is instantly ready to use – just insert the sensor!

  • Simplify your maintenance: one tool for validation, calibration and adjustment of all your sensors in the field and the lab.

  • Improve safety at work: the ready-made gel comes in safe, easy-to-use bottles removing the need for manual chemical preparation by plant personnel.

  • Enkla produkter

  • Enkla att välja, installera och använda

Tekniska egenskaper


  • Standardprodukter

  • Pålitliga, robusta och lätta att underhålla

Tekniska egenskaper


  • High-end produkter

  • Mycket funktionella och praktiska

Tekniska egenskaper


  • Specialprodukter

  • Designade för krävande applikationer

Tekniska egenskaper



FLEX urvalet Tekniska egenskaper Enkelhet
  • F
  • L
  • E
  • X

Fundamental urvalet

Möt dina grundläggande mätbehov

Tekniska egenskaper
  • F
  • L
  • E
  • X

Lean urvalet

Hantera dina kärnprocesser med enkelhet

Tekniska egenskaper
  • F
  • L
  • E
  • X

Extended urvalet

Optimera dina processer med innovativa teknologier

Tekniska egenskaper
  • F
  • L
  • E
  • X

Xpert urvalet

Hantera dina mest utmanande applikationer

Tekniska egenskaper
