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Digital disinfection sensor for free chlorine
Memosens CCS51E

Digital free chlorine sensor
Memosens CCS51E

Memosens sensor for drinking water, pool and process water as well as utilities in all industries

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En överblick över specifikationer

  • Measuring range

    Trace: 0 to 5 mg/l HOCl
    Standard: 0 to 20 mg/l HOCl
    High: 0 to 200 mg/l HOCl

  • Process temperature

    0 to 55 °C (32 to 130 °F), non-freezing

  • Process pressure

    Max. 1 bar (max. 14.5 psi)

  • Measuring method

    Closed, membrane covered measuring cell
    Reduction of free chlorine at the cathode


Memosens CCS51E ensures precise and consistent disinfection monitoring in drinking water, pool and process water and in utilities. This sensor for determining free chlorine features extremely fast response times even at low water volumes. This guarantees efficient process control and safe processes. Thanks to Memosens 2.0 technology, CCS51E combines maximum process and data integrity with simple operation. This provides the perfect basis for predictive maintenance and IIoT connectivity.

The free chlorine sensor Memosens CCS51E is suitable for a wide range of water qualities:

  • Drinking water: to secure disinfection

  • Utilities: to detect free chlorine and avoid any damage

  • Process water: for hygienic and safe packaging and bottling of products in food processing

  • Pool water: to dose disinfectant efficiently


  • The low-maintenance, amperometric sensor reduces the cost of ownership of the measuring point, particularly compared to colorimetric measuring systems.

  • Increased process up-time: pre-calibration of the sensor allows for real plug & play and faster poloarization time thanks to Memosens 2.0 technology.

  • Fast response time (t90 < 25 s) provides an accurate process view and enables prompt reaction to process changes as well as efficient process control.

  • High process safety and efficient dosing: precise and long-term stable measurement ensures consistent process monitoring and permits individually adapted disinfectant dosing.

  • Suitable sensor versions for every measurement range: From trace measurement up to free chlorine concentrations of 200 mg/l.

  • Connection to the Liquiline multiparameter transmitter facilitates easy combination with other parameters of liquid analysis such as pH and ORP.


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    Memosens 2.0: Banbrytande sensorteknologi

    Gör livet enklare, öka processäkerheten och se till att du är uppkopplad med digital Memosens 2.0-teknik.

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