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Extended warranty

Protect your investment by enhancing the warranty coverage of your measuring instruments.

Whether you’re looking to extend the duration of our standard warranty or enhance the coverage of your Endress+Hauser products, our Extended Warranty service safeguards your investment from unexpected costs.

Extended warranty ©Endress+Hauser


  • Free repair and replacement of the device in the event of a warranty case

  • Coverage against unexpected costs even after the legal guarantee has expired

  • Assurance that any issues with your purchase will be covered at no additional labor cost

Our offering

With an Extended Warranty, you ensure the highest possible performance and availability of your Endress+Hauser products. The price of the Extended Warranty depends on the respective product and the warranty extension period. This service will cover either the free repair or exchange of the product, depending on the industry and application.

  • Extension of the warranty for up to five years from the date of delivery

  • Service corresponds to the scope of the manufacturer warranty

  • Fixed price defined at the time of purchase

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