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Endress+Hauser at Maulburg

Headquarter of Endress+Hauser Level+Pressure

Endress+Hauser Level+Pressure in Maulburg, the largest and oldest production site of Endress+Hauser, is a leading producer of instruments, sensors, components and services for level measurement and level limit detection, pressure and differential pressure measurement as well as Inventory management solutions. Besides the two locations in Germany (Maulburg, Stahnsdorf) Endress+Hauser Level+Pressure is present in China, Japan, India, the US, Brazil and the UK with its associated product centers.

Endress+Hauser Maulburg, main building ©Endress+Hauser
  • Verkställande direktör

    Dr. Dirk Mörmann

  • Grundades år


  • Antal anställda

    2095 (January 2024)

  • Produktion


Ladda ner

    Faktablad PC Maulburg - Tyskland
