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Endress+Hauser Reinach

Functional safety

The production of a safety instrumented system must be done with the best SIL certified instruments

To obtain reliable information for safety instrumented systems (IEC 61511), proper instrument specification and implementation is crucial. The application must be clear, the correct instrument technology applied and the life cycle properly managed.

Functional safety in process instrumentation. Learn about Safety Integrity Levels (SIL), continuous self-monitoring, homogeneous redundancy and proof testing.

Regular verification or remote iterative proof test with SIL certified protocol (hardware/ software) ©Endress+Hauser

Remote initiation of proof test

Safety by choice

Our extensive SIL qualified and certified instrumentation portfolio is developed according to IEC 61508. We offer the best solutions for every measuring task including flow , level , pressure , temperature and measurement subsystems. Many of our devices have a SIL rating of SIL 2/3. This means you can reach SIL 3 even in homogeneous redundancy.

Safety by smart proof testing

Sensors and sensor subsystems must be proof tested to ensure that they are available to carry out their safety role. With smart sensors you are able to evoke proof testing procedures including in-situ proof testing via a push-button or software simulation. Actionable diagnostics and safety parameters offer you the ability to extend proof test intervals reducing your risk, lowering costs and improving availability.

Our full SIL capable certified measurement family

Are you looking for more information on our SIL certified devices or would you like to download datasheets or safety manuals? Use the filters below to find the products in our SIL capable portfolio that best fit your needs.

Discover why functional safety is critical for your operations.

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  • Pålitliga, robusta och lätta att underhålla

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  • Mycket funktionella och praktiska

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  • Designade för krävande applikationer

Tekniska egenskaper



FLEX urvalet Tekniska egenskaper Enkelhet
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Fundamental urvalet

Möt dina grundläggande mätbehov

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Lean urvalet

Hantera dina kärnprocesser med enkelhet

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  • X

Extended urvalet

Optimera dina processer med innovativa teknologier

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  • L
  • E
  • X

Xpert urvalet

Hantera dina mest utmanande applikationer

Tekniska egenskaper
