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Liquisys CCM253 is a compact field transmitter for chlorine and chlorine dioxide measurement.

Disinfection transmitter
Liquisys CCM253

Compact field device for the water, wastewater, food and power industries

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En överblick över specifikationer

  • Input

    Chorine / Chlordioxide and pH/ORP Sensor.

  • Output / communication

    - Chlorine/Chlordioxid, pH, Temperature : 0/4-20mA- Profibus- Hart + 0/4-20mA


Liquisys CCM253 is a standard chlorine transmitter with integrated pH compensation for free chlorine. It improves your operational safety thanks to continuous plausibility, process and sensor checks. Select from numerous hardware and software modules, such as relays or fieldbus communication, to adapt it exactly to your measuring task. This modularity also allows you to upgrade the transmitter at any time. A simple menu and calibration make configuration and operation fast and easy.

The Liquisys CCM253 transmitter works with all analog total chlorine, free chlorine, chlorine dioxide and pH sensors in:

  • Water & Wastewater
    - Disinfection process control and monitoring
    - Desalination with membrane technology
    - Swimming and whirl pools
    - Gas scrubbers

  • Food & Beverages
    - Disinfection of process water

  • Power plants
    - Cooling water disinfection

Liquisys CCM253 features the following protocols and interfaces:

  • 0/4...20 mA

  • HART




  • More operational safety: Continuous process check system, customized alarm configuration, calibration plausibility check.

  • Reliable chlorine and pH control: Current input for flow rate monitoring with controller shut off or for feedforward control.

  • Easy to operate and service: Intuitive user interface, simple calibration for chlorine and pH, direct access for manual contact control.

  • Reduced maintenance: Automatic cleaning function (with Chemoclean) triggered by alarm or limit switch.

  • Fit for every application: Numerous extensions, e.g. P(ID) controller, timer, etc., allow for flexible adaption to all processes.


  • Enkla produkter

  • Enkla att välja, installera och använda

Tekniska egenskaper


  • Standardprodukter

  • Pålitliga, robusta och lätta att underhålla

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  • High-end produkter

  • Mycket funktionella och praktiska

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  • Specialprodukter

  • Designade för krävande applikationer

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Extended urvalet

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Xpert urvalet

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