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Picture of ultrasonic flowmeter Proline Prosonic Flow G 300 / 9G3B - Highly robust gas specialist

Proline Prosonic Flow G 300 ultrasonic flowmeter

Highly robust gas specialist for fluctuating conditions with compact, easily accessible transmitter

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En överblick över specifikationer

  • Max. measurement error

    Volume flow (standard):
    ‐ ±1.0 % o.r. for 3 to 40 m/s (9.84 to 131.23 ft/s)
    ‐ ±2 % o.r. for 0.3 to 3 m/s (0.98 to 9.84 ft/s)
    Volume flow (optional calibration):
    ‐ ±0.5 % o.r. for 3 to 40 m/s (9.84 to 131.23 ft/s)
    ‐ ±1.0 % o.r. for 0.3 to 3 m/s (0.98 to 9.84 ft/s)
    Corrected volume flow (standard):
    ‐ ±1.5 % o.r. for 3 to 40 m/s (9.84 to 131.23 ft/s)
    ‐ ±2.5 % o.r. for 0.3 to 3 m/s (0.98 to 9.84 ft/s)
    Corrected volume flow (optional calibration):
    ‐ ±1.0 % o.r. for 3 to 40 m/s (9.84 to 131.23 ft/s)
    ‐ ±1.5 % o.r. for 0.3 to 3 m/s (0.98 to 9.84 ft/s)
    Sound Velocity: ±0.2 % o.r.

  • Measuring range

    Gas: 0.3 m/s to 40 m/s

  • Medium temperature range

    -50 to 150 °C (-58 to +302°F)
    -50 to 100 °C (-58 to +212°F) with integrated pressure cell

  • Max. process pressure

    0.7 to 101 bar a (10.15 to 1464.88 psi a)

  • Wetted materials

    Measuring tube: 1.4408/1.4409 (CF3M)
    Transducer: 1.4404 (316, 316L), Titan Grade 2


For a wide range of gas applications Prosonic Flow G provides reliable flow measurement, even with wet gas and changing gas properties and compositions. A pressure-rated sensor housing with rupture disc limits safety risks. The compact transmitter offers high flexibility in terms of operation and system integration: access from one side, remote display and improved connectivity options. Heartbeat Technology enables compliance and process safety at all times.

  • The measuring principle is unaffected by gas composition

  • Accurate measurement of natural and process gas in the chemical as well as oil and gas industries.

Device properties:

  • Direct measurement: flow, pressure & temperature

  • Wetted parts: titanium / 316L

  • Maximum measuring accuracy: 0.5 %

  • Compact dual-compartment housing with up to 3 I/Os

  • Backlit display with touch control and WLAN access

  • Remote display available


  • Flexible device with user-definable gas mixtures for demanding measuring tasks

  • Maximum reliability even with humid or wet gas – sensor design insensitive to condensate

  • High-performance process control – real-time pressure- and temperature-compensated values

  • Efficient solution – multivariable, no pressure loss

  • Full access to process and diagnostic information – numerous, freely combinable I/Os

  • Reduced complexity and variety – freely configurable I/O functionality

  • Integrated verification – Heartbeat Technology


  • Heartbeat Technology
    Smart instrumentering med Heartbeat Technology

    Vill du öka anläggningens produktion och sänka kostnaderna? Vår smarta instrumenteringsportfölj med Heartbeat Technology ger djupgående inblick i enheterna för ökad kostnadseffektivitet och driftsäkerhet.

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