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Product picture thermocouple sensor cable probe TH52

iTHERM CableLine TH52
Cable probe

Imperial TC thermometer with connecting cable for use in many process and laboratory applications

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En överblick över specifikationer

  • Accuracy

    Standard acc. to ASTM E-230
    Special acc. to ASTM E-230

  • Response time

    63% rt = 0.3 s

  • Max. process pressure (static)

    at 20°C: 40 bar (580 psi)'
    depends on configuration

  • Operating temperature range

    Type T:
    -270 °C ...400 °C
    (-454 °F ...752 °F)
    Type J:
    -210 °C ...1.200 °C
    (-346 °F ...2.192 °F)
    Type E:
    -270 °C ...1.000 °C
    (-454 °F ...1.832 °F)
    Type K:
    -270 °C ...1.372 °C
    (-454 °F ...2.500 °F)
    Type N:
    -270 °C ... 1.300 °C
    (-454 °F ...2.372 °F)

  • Max. immersion length on request

    up to 96" (2438 mm)
    others on request


The thermocouple cable probe is easy to install and provide a high operational safety due to reliable and accurate temperature measurement in common processes. The probe is used in many process and laboratory applications such as heat exchangers, furnaces or dryers. Without additional thermowell the probe sheath is directly in contact with the process medium. This enables the cable probe to detect rapid temperature changes fast and accurate.

Magnesium oxide insulated thermocouples, commonly referred to as MgO thermocouples, are used in many process and laboratory applications. They have many desirable characteristics making thermocouples a good choice for general and special purpose applications.

The sensors can be used on:

  • Heat exchangers

  • Power & recovery areas

  • Furnaces

  • Dryers

  • Flue gas

  • Compressor stations

  • Process reactors


  • Simplified model structure: Competitively priced, offers great value. Easy to order and reorder. A single model number includes sensor and transmitter assembly for a complete point solution.

  • Improved galvanic isolation on most devices (2 kV)

  • One source shopping for temperature measurement solutions. Remove and install straight out of the box!

  • All iTEMP® transmitters provide long term stability ≤ 0.05 % per year

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